Opening Sequence Task

Pre-lim Task

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Evaluation – Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
Evaluation – Question 4
The primary target audience that we have aimed our media product at is:
  • People of ages 15-20.
  • Both genders – we originally thought it would appeal to males more as it is stereotypically a male genre seeing as men like to be in for a fright; However after we conducted our audience screening, the feedback that we received was positive from both gender and the majority of males and females said they would watch the rest of the films.
  • males are more interested in psychological thrillers than females
  • Of all ethnicities, but mainly American audiences as it is more familiar to them.

We chose this range because we believe the film will appeal to a younger audience as they can relate to the main character and the themes and topics of the film as they are recent and modern, everybody knows about (911) and the conspiracy theories along with it. We discovered that younger generations of people tended to like psychological thrillers and intriguing plots due to our sample questionnaires we handed out around classes, and we therefore decided to base our age around this similarity in interests into what actually happened and what was the cause of the (911 attacks). A high percentage of the school kids had broad knowledge about the attack and all followed this up with different beliefs of how it came about.
Our secondary audience is:
  • Wider age range 16-60

  • We chose a wider audience as we believe anyone with interests in the theme of our film would be interested at these ages and of any gender – people interested in the government actions of war overseas in Iraq. Also people who never understood the full story of what occurred on the 11th of September 2001.

For Americans it is more relevant and personal to them due to the setting being in America, the actual event taking place there. An audience of a different ethnicity may be more negative towards the issue because it didn't exactly concern or affect them.

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