Opening Sequence Task

Pre-lim Task

Friday, 28 January 2011

Prelim Script 1st Draft

(Manager is seated, anxious as he fiddles with a pen on the table. A young man enters as he limps.)

Manager: Mr (Players name), you alright.
Player: Well, I could be better. My knee isn’t fully healed yet.
Manager: Oh well that’s too bad. Would you take a seat? 
Player:( sitting on chair) Sure.
Manager: ___ Ive asked for you to see me. - do you know why?
Player: Actually sir, I thought you wanted to finally put in me up front. 
Manager: Not quite son. There’s actually a problem.
Player: What problem sir?
Manager: Well the lads aren’t really that happy, you see.
Player: Okay…
Manager: And do you remember how you told us about that/
Player: /about my sexuality, that im gay.
Manager: Let’s use Homosexual instead. And yes, the lads aren’t comfortable/
Player: Comfortable about my sexuality?
Manager: Well…
Player: Sir, that’s not my problem. They’ll have to deal with it themselves.
Manager: On the contrary son, it is your problem and my problem. They won’t change or even play football with you anymore.
Player: What? That’s so absurd sir! Surely you can’t be considering this!
Manager: Look ___ it’s my job to take care of any problems they have. You have, unfortunately turned out to be a problem.
Player: So what are you trying to say? You going to kick me off the team because of my sexuality?
Manager: Yes and no. We’re going to, lets say, let you move on. Its nothing personal.
Player: Personal? Let me be the judge of that!

(____ Walks away very unsettled and angry)

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